Motion picture from the diary of the same title, written by Guido Levi. Francesca Levi, daughter to Guido, is working on an adaptation with Notte Americana.


A diary written between 1942 and 1946 by Guido Levi, a 8 year old Italian Jewish boy forced to escape his Genoa, torn by bombing raids, and the persecution of Mussolini’s Racial Laws.Uprooted from home and his enlarged family, after living in hiding in Italy, Guido ends up in Switzerland escaping the Nazis after the 8 th of September, spending there 3 years as a refugee.
Found by Francesca, Guido’s daughter, in a drawer, after her father’s death, the typewritten diary is a candid recount of the unfairness of war, the fear of persecution, the separation from the rest of the family through the eyes of a child.

Short film directed by Francesca Giuffrida and produced by Valentina Noya.


L’Associazione Museo Nazionale del Cinema ha terminato la sua ultima produzione cinematografica insieme a Notte Americana, il cortometraggio La vita magra (2024, 19’30”) prodotto da Valentina Noya e Luciana Dedola, diretto da Francesca Giuffrida e scritto da Giulia Betti, realizzato con il sostegno del Ministero della Cultura e di SIAE, nell’ambito del programma “Per Chi Crea” e il supporto di Film Commission Torino Piemonte.Il film racconta la storia di Iris (Giorgia Spinelli) e di Lori (Amanda Rabbia): una giovane madre e sua figlia vivono in periferia sole e senza alcun sostegno oltre al lavoro precario di Iris ovvero vendere porta a porta prodotti dimagranti fasulli, con l’aiuto della figlia. A forza di veder mentire la madre, anche la piccola Lori finirà per ordire un piccolo inganno nella ricca dimora dove abita Mirella (Rita Abela) e suo figlio (Alessio Stan).

Vincitore Premio Rai Cinema Channel alla 16ª edizione dell’Ortigia Film Festival

Vincitore Premio del pubblico alla 16ª edizione dell’Ortigia Film Festival

A documentary written and directed by Steve Della Casa.


The recent pandemic has exacerbated the crisis of the cinema in Rome, seeing the closure of many venues that are added to the many other that have closed their doors since the mid-seventies.

Every movie theatre, as many filmmakers have said (Tornatore, Scola, Fellini in Italy; Tarantino, Dante, Rodriguez abroad) contains many stories and many secrets. The have been an extraordinary gathering place, a sort of temple of desire for many generations. Intellectuals, politicians, criminals, writers, journalists and artists found themselves in the cinemas of Rome: different worlds that for a certain period of their lives found their lowest common denominator in the cinema.

After World War II most Italian films were shot in the capital. This means that Italian movies are often
set into movie theatres. Sometimes outdoors, sometimes indoors, those images are often the only traces of those dream places, immortalized in a film.
In Rome in the fifties there were more than 150 cinemas. For each of these we will look for a
testimonial that has something to tell, public figures, actors, writers, journalists, singers who will be the
narrators of different stories. The stories of the some venues will be reconstructed, where possible the connecting them with the life of the neighborhood. The intention is to create a work (80′ circa) of oral history and interspersed with material of repertoire with newsreels and footage from the archives of RAI and Istituto Luce, a material never used in this key, looking at the past without nostalgia but with

A documentary about Angelo Guglielmi written by Luciana Dedola and Steve Della Casa; directed by Steve Della Casa and Francesca Levi.


Steve Della Casa interviews Angelo Guglielmi and some of his authors and collaborators retracing his career and life while reconstructing the Italian mass culture of the twentieth century from within.

Angelo Guglielmi has crossed the post-World War II Italian culture as an absolute protagonist. He was involved in television, literature, cinema, politics, art: in all these disciplines his approach was inspired by a very clear vision.
His ideas, his projects, his achievements have always avoided being addressed to a small group of friends, intellectuals, thinkers: the real destination was the general public, with the ambition to change the perception, the languages and contents of popular entertainment. During the interview Guglielmi talks about his television career with RAI, his experience as director of RaiTre and the many programs that bear his creative mark. Interviews to his authors and collaborators along with original footage complement the documentary.


6dof animated VR series directed by Ana Corrie, produced by Valentina Noya.


Thick-as-thieves twin sisters and rival math prodigies Mercy and JJ Rover get separated for the first time in their lives when JJ is transported by a wormhole into a higher dimensional bulk. As Mercy looks for a way to help her sister, she discovers an outstanding gravitational anomaly that is making our universe expand fast, real fast. Her theory? Our solar system is just about to fly apart.
Meanwhile, trapped in a strange world outside our reality, JJ has to learn to rely on new friends (including a young Anaximander, one of the intellectual giants of the ages, who was transported to the bulk from the V century BC), but most importantly on her own knowledge and strength, to find her way back home – and maybe even save the universe in the process.

The 6DOF VR series Math is Weird directed by Ana Corrie and produced by Valentina Noya was selected for the 2021 Biennale College Cinema Virtual Reality international, 12th – 19th January on RAUM platform.

Alternative Realities (currently titled Math is Weird), participated at the 1st International workshop of the fifth edition of Biennale College Cinema – Virtual Reality. This is a programme developed by La Biennale di Venezia which includes training, project development, and production support.

Math is Weird project was selected for the Venice Production Bridge – VGFM at the 78th Venice International Film Festival.

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Feature film directed by Luca Buzzi Reschini and produced by Valentina Noya.


Chiara thinks that renovating an old house in the woods and the company of her dog would be enough to assuage her pain. But Selene’s unexpected appearance in her life will not only disrupt Chiara’s reclusive routine but also have her questioning her radical choices.Valentina Noya has begun the development of her first fiction film directed by Luca Buzzi Reschini. The director and producer of Selene (the previous title was The Essential) have finished the Biennale College Cinema workshop on the island of San Servolo in July 2021. The locations of the film are still in progress, most likely it will be set in some areas of the Biella region, thanks to the logistical support of the Film Commission Torino Piemonte.
Emuron Ngapiki

A documentary project directed by Filippo Tommasoli.


Jeremiah is a young shepherd living with his family in the arid desert of Turkana (Kenya). Dario Laurencig is a Combonian missionary known throughout East Africa as a water shaman (Emuron Ngakipi). Together they will try to find a way to survive climate change.

Raw Sight and Notte Americana co-produce Filippo Tommasoli‘s documentary.

The documentary tells the story of two countries, two realities, two extremely different, yet very similar people. Both of them are border people with features that isolate them from the state they belong to, proud fighters against a history that has confronted them with countless difficulties.
Emuron Ngapiki tells parallel stories of distant worlds that find a meeting point in a man endowed with magical powers. A man half Friulian, half African, able to live in both worlds at the same time, creating bridges of communication and exchange.

The documentary depicts the concrete possibility of a different relationship between Us and the Others, a model whose objective is not to destroy connections on the basis of differences, but rather to build new relationships on the basis of shared values, creating a network that overcomes borders and finds new solutions to improve justice and social equity.

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